Staňme sa partnermi - spoločne dosiahneme viac. Sme najvýznamnejšia a najreprezentatívnejšia odborná organizácia na Slovensku. Za viac ako dvadsať rokov pôsobenia sme z RÚZ vybudovali etablovanú značku a stali sme sa rešpektovanou autoritou v podnikateľskej oblasti i v štátnom sektore. Podieľame sa na príprave politík štátu a kľúčovej legislatívy z podnikateľskej oblasti, ktorá má priamy vplyv na podmienky podnikania na Slovensku. V súčasnosti máme viac ako 75 členov – od menších spoločností až po najväčšie priemyselné podniky v krajine. Naším poslaním je stáť za nimi a hájiť ich záujmy a práva. Členstvom v Republikovej únii zamestnávateľov získa vaša spoločnosť viacero výhod, ktoré by ako samostatne pôsobiaci subjekt nemala.
You will receive regular detailed monitoring of domestic and European legislation, analysis, and evaluation of legislative conditions of business with an emphasis on the knowledge of our members from practice
You will become co-creators of the economic and social policy of the state and specific legal regulations concerning important common interests of employers
You will be part of collective bargaining and influence the work of the Economic Social Council, the State Council and the Board of Public Institutions, where NUE has its representatives and thus get the opportunity to initiate and shape changes in legislation leading to improved and simplified business
You will receive support in the form of consultations, professional advice
You will have regular information on current trends in Slovak and international legislation, economic policy and business environment, social policy, environment, science, research and innovation or education and training
Cooperation with a wide range of renowned experts, including the OECD and BIAC, an OECD advisory body bringing together the most important industry and employers' associations from each of the 34 OECD member countries
Through NUE, you will become a member of the umbrella organizations of social dialogue at European level (European Commission, BUSINESSEUROPE)
You will get the opportunity to participate in projects from various fields, across the sectors of the economy, in order to improve the business environment at the Slovak and European level
If you are interested in membership or cooperation, please, contact us.