Project title: Tripartite Dialogue - The Age of Cooperation Project partner: The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise Project realization: 08.01.2021 - 30.06.2022
The project´s main objective is to improve social dialogue at the central level. Project monitors and evaluates the progress of the fulfillment of the Government Policy Statement with the focus on: (a) comparing government activities in terms of improving the form and standardization of social dialogue at central level, (b) comparing government promised activities and fulfilling of the NUE policy priorities - mirroring of the fulfillment of employers' priorities and (c) discussing about government and employers' priorities on the Economic and Social Council of Slovak Republic, i.e. between members of the tripartite dialogue at the central level.
The project contributes not only to the improvement of social dialogue, but also to the development and strengthening of the effectiveness of structures and processes of labour relations in Slovakia. At the same time, the evaluation index of the Program Statement of the Government of the Slovak Republic comprehensively points to the importance of social dialogue for the general public, which will be regularly informed about priorities, intersections of public policies and current requirements of entrepreneurs.
Supported by Norway through the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Social Dialogue – Decent Work"
On the 13th of September 2022, experts of the Norwegian partner of the project - the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), visited Bratislava to participate in the brainstorming workshop organized by the NUE in their headquarters.
The program statement of the Slovak government raised considerable expectations among employers. The long-delayed reforms and improvements in the business environment should have brought a significant improvement thanks to the comfort of the constitutional majority, which declared common goals in the parliament. The actual performance of the government's mandate falls short of expectations, not only as a result of the war in Ukraine or the pandemic. Employers associated in the National Union of Employers (NUE) evaluate the current period of governance and call on the government to speed up the implementation of key reform processes.
The government's program statement raised considerable expectations among employers. Thanks to the comfort of the constitutional majority, which declared common goals, the reforms and measures to improve the quality of the business environment, which had been postponed for years, were finally given the green light and brought a significant improvement. However, according to the employers, associated in the National Union of Employers (NUE), the actual performance of the government's mandate falls far short of expectations, not only because of the pandemic. After the end of the first half of the reign, the government is therefore called upon to speed up key reform processes.
On the 13th of September 2022, experts of the Norwegian partner of the project - the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), visited Bratislava to participate in the brainstorming workshop organized by the NUE in their headquarters.
The program statement of the Slovak government raised considerable expectations among employers. The long-delayed reforms and improvements in the business environment should have brought a significant improvement thanks to the comfort of the constitutional majority, which declared common goals in the parliament. The actual performance of the government's mandate falls short of expectations, not only as a result of the war in Ukraine or the pandemic. Employers associated in the National Union of Employers (NUE) evaluate the current period of governance and call on the government to speed up the implementation of key reform processes.
The government's program statement raised considerable expectations among employers. Thanks to the comfort of the constitutional majority, which declared common goals, the reforms and measures to improve the quality of the business environment, which had been postponed for years, were finally given the green light and brought a significant improvement. However, according to the employers, associated in the National Union of Employers (NUE), the actual performance of the government's mandate falls far short of expectations, not only because of the pandemic. After the end of the first half of the reign, the government is therefore called upon to speed up key reform processes.
"On the three" - employers issued a half-year report card to the government
social dialogue
press releases
The government's program statement raised considerable expectations among employers. Thanks to the comfort of the constitutional majority, which declared common goals, the reforms and measures to improve the quality of the business environment, which had been postponed for years, were finally given the green light and brought a significant improvement. However, according to the employers, associated in the National Union of Employers (NUE), the actual performance of the government's mandate falls far short of expectations, not only because of the pandemic. After the end of the first half of the reign, the government is therefore called upon to speed up key reform processes.
Experts of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise, visited Bratislava to participate in the brainstorming workshop
social dialogue
On the 13th of September 2022, experts of the Norwegian partner of the project - the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), visited Bratislava to participate in the brainstorming workshop organized by the NUE in their headquarters.
Employers issued a report card to the government - the fulfillment of key promises is still missing
social dialogue
press releases
The program statement of the Slovak government raised considerable expectations among employers. The long-delayed reforms and improvements in the business environment should have brought a significant improvement thanks to the comfort of the constitutional majority, which declared common goals in the parliament. The actual performance of the government's mandate falls short of expectations, not only as a result of the war in Ukraine or the pandemic. Employers associated in the National Union of Employers (NUE) evaluate the current period of governance and call on the government to speed up the implementation of key reform processes.
Ivona Holzerová
Financial manager
Je absolventkou Prírodovedeckej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, V RÚZ pôsobí od roku 2017 ako projektová a finančná manažérka. Zodpovedá za riadenie a koordináciu národných a medzinárodných projektov z...