Technological progress and the associated digitization and automation of industry are making lifelong learning an increasingly topical and debated topic.
The advent and massive spread of modern technology, along with the approaching fourth industrial revolution, means that it is simply no longer enough to rely on formal education today. In order for people to be able to better apply themselves to the labor market and subsequently advance their careers, it is essential that they follow the latest trends and acquire new knowledge through further continuing education.
NUE has long pointed to the need to develop lifelong learning, as it is a necessary condition for increasing the competitiveness of the Slovak economy. Compared to OECD countries, the number of adults in lifelong learning in Slovakia is alarmingly low.
NUE in the document "Proposals of NUE for changes in further education within the system of lifelong learning in Slovakia" recommends to increase the motivation and interest in lifelong learning through a properly set up system of multi-source funding, while the basic pillar is the so-called personal account, or citizen training fund.
NUE calls for a comprehensive setup of the system of verification of qualifications and results of non-formal education and informal learning within the implementation of the National Project System of Verification of Qualifications in the Slovak Republic
The world is in the process of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - that is an indisputable fact. These industrial revolutions have brought so far have had a radical impact on employees. Many jobs have disappeared, but an even more significant amount has been created, and others have undergone a substantial change in qualification requirements. Experience shows that the industrial revolution is not a "scarecrow"; more jobs have been created than lost, but at the same time, what has been done to the full and only in favor of those who were ready for its arrival. Employers have had to keep up with the times to survive and remain competitive, while employees have faced more detailed information about their skills and mastered new working practices.
The world is in the process of the Fourth Industrial Revolution - that is an indisputable fact. These industrial revolutions have brought so far have had a radical impact on employees. Many jobs have disappeared, but an even more significant amount has been created, and others have undergone a substantial change in qualification requirements. Experience shows that the industrial revolution is not a "scarecrow"; more jobs have been created than lost, but at the same time, what has been done to the full and only in favor of those who were ready for its arrival. Employers have had to keep up with the times to survive and remain competitive, while employees have faced more detailed information about their skills and mastered new working practices.
Peter Fečík
V RÚZ pôsobí už viac ako desať rokov, pričom hlavnou oblasťou jeho záujmu je systém vzdelávania v širšom i užšom slova zmysle. Vďaka rokom praktických skúseností sa v RÚZ vypracoval na pozíciu manažér...